JA01 Machine Learning in Geo-, Ocean and Space Sciences (IAGA, IAVCEI, IAHS, IASPEI, IAMAS, IAPSO)

Convener(s): Peter Wintoft (Sweden, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Hristos Tyralis (Greece, IAHS), Dave Reusch (USA, IAMAS), Istvan Szunyogh (USA, IAMAS), Fatma Jebri (UK, IAPSO), Gesa Maria Petersen (USA, IASPEI), Silvia Massaro (Italy, IAVCEI)

Modern artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques are in the process of transforming many different fields of geosciences including for example seismology, the modelling of hydrological systems, space weather studies and oceanography. The progress in the development of ML algorithms combined with the increasing availability of geophysical data and computational power deliver a great promise for transformational advancements with the novel computational techniques. In this joined session, we invite presentations on a broad variety of AI, ML and DL methods, that both, establish new or improve commonly performed data processing, detection, clustering, interpretation, prediction and imaging tasks. In particular, we welcome contributions on the integration of ML techniques to improve the quality of oceanographic, geosciences and space sciences research approaches. The goal of the session is to establish the state of AI, ML and DL across multiple geoscientific fields, and to pave the path forward in taking full advantage of the exciting developments in ML/DL.

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JA02 Data Assimilation and Statistical Learning in Earth and Space Sciences (IAGA, IACS, IAHS, IAMAS, IASPEI)

Convener(s): Tomoko Matsuo (USA)

Co-Convener(s): Patricia de Rosnay (UK, IACS), Julien Aubert (France, IAGA), Larry Kepko (USA,IAGA), Salvatore Grimaldi (Italy, IAHS), Craig Bishop (Australia, IAMAS)

This symposium will serve as a forum on the latest research and development in data assimilation and statistical learning across Earth and Space Science community. Data assimilation is a powerful statistical learning framework that combines models, observations, and their respective uncertainties, allowing us to unify data-driven scientific induction with first principle-based deductions. The framework in the general form can be applied to any geophysical system, providing the common ground for our forum. On the other hand, applications of data assimilation and statistical learning techniques to sparsely observed geophysical systems (such as the core, mantle, cryosphere, hydrosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, and magnetosphere) face considerable challenges, requiring innovative adaptation of methods to maximize the use of sparse observations, and considerable research efforts to quantify model and observational uncertainties. This symposium solicits papers that address unique application challenges faced by different disciplines so that we can learn from each other and further our common interest in advancing data assimilation and statistical learning applications in the Earth and Space Sciences.

Solicited speakers: Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN, Japan), Stephan Grant (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA), Hristos Tyralis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)

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JA03 Analogue Data for the Future: Preservation and Present-Day Utilization of Historical Data in the Geosciences (IAGA, IACS, IASPEI, IAHS, IAG, IAPSO)

Convener(s): Ciarán Beggan (UK, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Lauren Vargo (New Zealand, IACS), Kirsten Elger (Germany, IAG), Hisashi Hayakawa (Japan/UK, IAGA), Alberto Viglione (Italy, IAHS), Satheesh S.C. Shenoi (India, IAPSO), Josep Batlló Ortiz (Spain, IASPEI), Kristine Harper (Denmark, IAMAS), Roberto Carniel (Italy, IAVCEI)

In many areas of geophysical and geological studies, long running measurements at a fixed location or over a wider region exist in analogue (physical) form including, amongst others, on photographic paper, in journals or as published tables. It is highly advantageous to convert analogue records to digital values, allowing modern computational techniques and analysis to be applied. However, it is often challenging to convert analogue records as formatting, the type of information recorded, accompanying metadata, and unit metrics change over time. Campaigns to digitize temperature or climate-related measurements have been very successful, especially with the recruitment of keen citizen scientists. However, more scientific formats, such as graphs with technical information or notation, are less amenable to generalist help. Historic analogue records frequently offer significant scientific implications, forming a baseline for analyses of long-term variability and/or short-term extreme hazards in multiple scientific aspects. In this context, it is important to compare these analogue records with one another and document their individual instrumental details for cross-calibrations. This session looks at methods for preservation, extraction, and analysis of historic analogue records, including by manual, image processing or machine learning techniques. This session also accommodates documentation of instrument detail and calibration methods for historical observations. This session welcomes new analyses using data that have previously been in analogue form, and case studies of long-term geophysical variability or individual short-term extreme events. We seek submissions from across all associations.

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JA04 Marine Geodesy and Geophysics – Opportunities & Hazards (IAGA, IAG, IASPEI, IAVCEI)

Convener(s): Sebastian Hölz (Germany, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Valérie Ballu (France, IAG), Heidrun Kopp (Germany, IASPEI), Paraskevi Nomikou (Greece, IAVCEI)

More than 70% of the Earth surface is covered by ocean. The seafloor is the critical interface where geology, climate, ecosystems, and human activities converge. Yet, a high percentage of the ocean’s seafloor and the subsurface below the seafloor remain unexplored and is both a source of opportunities in terms of unexplored resources (e.g. massive sulfides and hydrothermal fluids) as well as hazards (e.g. due to earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes or the exploitation of marine mineral resources). A responsible and sustainable use of resources and mitigation of geohazards require an enhanced knowledge about short- and long-term processes that shape the current sea floor, as well as about its role in the Earth System. Innovative methods help us to better identify and monitor structures, which can be related to geohazards as well as resources. This session invites all contributions of marine geophysical and geodetic research ranging from small to large scales aimed at characterizing structures and dynamics of the Earth’s interior and the seafloor. Solicited fields of research include instrumentation, survey design, data acquisition and novel data processing, visualization, modeling and interpretation procedures. We invite contributions from various fields of offshore geophysical investigations including seismological and seismic, electromagnetic methods as well as contributions from seafloor geodesy.

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JA05 Solar Influence on the Atmosphere and Climate (IAGA, IAMAS)

Convener(s): Christoph Jacobi (Germany, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Luc Damé (France, IAGA), Odele Coddington (USA, IAMAS)

The role of the Sun’s influence on past climate as well as in future climate variability keeps attracting much interest presently. State of the art climate models now include a well resolved stratosphere and mesosphere. This allows the prediction of global climate and its changes taking into account expected solar related variability, particularly in the ultraviolet, at short to long time scales. In the middle and upper atmosphere solar related electromagnetic and particle variability is one dominant forcing mechanism for atmospheric variability at time scales from days to decades. In this session we aim to stimulate discussion on the solar variability that drives Earth-system change on time scales from days to centuries. We welcome results from observations, including observations of solar radiation, theoretical work and modeling efforts that facilitate the implementation of solar irradiance in Earth science applications and that quantify meteorological and solar effects on the lower, middle, and upper atmosphere. We also welcome discussions on new missions or observational means to address these issues. Advances in reconstructing past climate and in projecting future climate considering the role of extraterrestrial forcing are also desired.

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JA06 Long-Term Changes in the Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Ionosphere (IAGA, IAMAS/ICMA)

Convener(s): Liying Qian (USA, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Jan Lastovicka (Czech Republic, IAGA), Bernd Funke (Spain, UAMAS)

Long-term changes of greenhouse gas concentrations not only cause troposphere climate change, they also cause long term changes in the middle and upper atmosphere. Other drivers, such as the long-term changes of the Earth's magnetic field, solar irradiance, and geomagnetic activity, can also contribute to the long-term changes in the atmosphere, especially in the upper atmosphere. Note that in atmospheric science, long term changes, or trends, refer to changes on a time scale longer than one solar cycle (~ 11 years). We welcome papers on investigating trends in the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere, dealing with ground based as well as satellite borne observations, model simulations, theoretical analyses, long term data quality issues, methods of determination of trends, and related laboratory experiments.

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JA07 Interdisciplinary Observations of Pre-Earthquake Processes. The Concept of Lithosphere- Atmosphere- Ionosphere Coupling (IAGA, IASPEI (EMSEV))

Convener(s): Mala Bagiya (India, IAGA)

Co-Convener(s): Dimitar Ouzounov (USA, IASPEI/EMSEV), Sergey Pulinets (Russia, IASPEI/EMSEV), Katsumi Hattori (Japan, IASPEI/EMSEV), Patrick Taylor (USA, IASPEI/EMSEV)

This symposium concerns the multidisciplinary observations that could lead to understanding processes preceding earthquakes. New results were obtained from seismometers, magnetometers, magnetotelluric stations, GNSS receivers, and Low-Earth-orbiting satellites: DEMETER, Swarm, CSES, etc. This joined analysis of atmosphere-ionosphere connection, seismic records (foreshocks /aftershocks), geochemical, electromagnetic, and thermodynamic processes related to stress changes in the lithosphere established the foundation for the new lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling (LAIC) mechanism. This multi-instrumental approach can help support the missing data of the LAIC tools before, during, and after large earthquakes. Presentations will include but are not limited to: observations, modeling; analyses, seismic; geochemical, electromagnetic; and thermodynamic processes; and histories related to stress changes in the lithosphere and their statistical and physical validation. Presentations on the latest developments in earthquake predictability are welcomed.

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JA08 Ground and Satellite Electromagnetic Observations Related to Earthquakes, Tsunami's and Volcanic Activity (IAGA, IASPEI (EMSEV), IAVCEI)

Convener(s): Ramesh Singh (India/USA, EMSEV)

Co-Convener(s): Ken'ichi Yamazaki (Japan, EMSEV), Qingjua Huang (China, IASPEI/EMSEV), Takeshi Hasimoto (Japan, IAVCEI/EMSEV)

The earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions are associated with deep ground and the ocean, and the effects are observed through various observing systems deployed on the ground surface, in the borehole, and the ocean. The multispectral satellites and airborne and drone sensors provide information at a high spatial and temporal resolution of the Earth, Ocean, meteorological, atmosphere, and ionosphere. The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) has proved an added advantage globally to observe signals associated with these natural hazards. Recent observations and data analysis has shown a strong coupling between land, ocean, atmosphere, meteorological and ionospheric parameters with earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The changing climate system is believed to play an important role in the slow deformation and stress changes and frequency of these disasters. The session invites contributions based on laboratory, modeling, all kinds of ground and field, borehole, and satellite data analysis to understand the physical mechanism associated with these natural hazards.

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JG02 Theory and Methods of Potential Fields (IAG, IAGA)

Convener(s): Dimitrios Tsoulis (Greece, IAG)

Co-Convener(s): Sten Claessens (Australia, IAG), Maurizio Fedi (Italy, IAGA)

Heterogeneous data sets of increasing spatial resolution describing the shape and structure of the Earth and other celestial bodies as well as their gravity and magnetic fields are currently available. This brings about new developments in the theory and methods of potential fields. Densely sampled Digital Elevation Models, global crustal models and an abundance of potential field models up to and beyond degree and order 5480 provide a dynamic framework for revisiting and updating the methodological apparatus that deals with all aspects of the theoretical description and numerical evaluation of potential functions and their spatial derivatives. The symposium welcomes contributions that fall into this topic and deal with new theoretical or methodological advances in modeling and evaluating potential fields for geodesy and geophysics. Terrain modeling and reductions at all spatial scales, spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis, spheroidal and ellipsoidal harmonics, ultra-high degree and order expansions, and analytical, numerical and multiresolutional techniques in potential field modeling are some of the encouraged keywords. Also welcomed are contributions that deal with source modeling through joint or separate inversion of potential fields.

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JG03 Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere (IAG, IAGA, IAMAS, IAVCEI,)

Convener(s): Michael Schmidt (Germany, IAG)

Co-Convener(s): Ehsan Forootan (Denmark, IAG), Loren Chang (Taiwan, China, IAGA), Claudia Stubenrauch (France, IAMAS), Fabio Dioguardi (Italy, IAVCEI)


Satellite observations provide a continuous survey of our planet’s surrounding atmosphere, which is structured into distinct layers, according, e.g. to temperature or charge state.

Space weather effects are observed in the magnetosphere, ionosphere, plasmasphere and thermosphere; its impacts and risks are gaining more and more importance in politics and sciences, because the demands of communications and precise positioning are ever increasing in the modern society.

Stratosphere and troposphere and their constituents are essential for life on our planet, and tropospheric water vapour is source of clouds and precipitation, which in turn affect the large-scale circulation through heat transfer. Radiative forcing induced by external factors like changes in aerosol and greenhouse gas concentrations leads to feedbacks which are still an important uncertainty source in modelling climate change. The synergistic use of different instruments and modelling is leading to major advances in the understanding of our climate.

This symposium invites contributions on advances in observing, modelling, and understanding our atmosphere – from troposphere to magnetosphere. Specific topics are:

- (near) real-time approaches to monitor and forecast the atmospheric state

- combination of various observation techniques and improvement of the representation of atmospheric key parameters in models

- monitoring the Earth by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and other measurement techniques

- studies on space weather research and coupling processes in the upper atmosphere

- aerosol, cloud, precipitation and radiation processes as well as interactions in the climate system

- data assimilation, model-data fusion, and artificial intelligence techniques for advancing modelling and prediction of atmospheric variables

- use of synergetic satellite observations and modelling for a better understanding of cloud processes and feedbacks

Possible Sessions:

1. Upper Atmosphere: Ionosphere, Thermosphere, Plasmasphere, Magnetosphere

2. From Ionosphere to Troposphere

3. Lower Atmosphere: Monitoring the Earth by Global Navigation Satellite Systems and other measurement systems

4. Lower Atmosphere: Water Vapour, Clouds, Precipitation and Radiation

5. Lower Atmosphere: Monitoring of anthropogenic and natural aerosols and their radiative forcing

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JH01 New, Large, and Open Data for the Earth and Environmental Science Community (IAHS, IAPSO, IACS, IAGA, IASPEI)

Convener(s): Heidi Kreibich (Germany, IAHS)

Co-Convener(s): Charles Fierz (Switzerland, IACS), Masahito Nosé (Japan, IAGA), Elena Tel Pérez (Spain, IAPSO), Florian Haslinger (Switzerland, IASPEI)

Data is essential for understanding, modeling and managing earth and environmental processes, their interactions and their dynamics. Therefore, the acquisition, management and use of data is a central component of all earth and environmental sciences. New data sources and advanced monitoring methods, including new sensors and instruments on the ground, at sea and in the air, web crawling technology and citizen science, as well as the strong trend towards open data and data sharing, open up fantastic opportunities but also bring challenges. There are concerns, for example, about ensuring and appropriately documenting data quality in particular with respect to ‘new data’, as well as about creating sufficient incentives for monitoring, data sharing and monitoring downstream usage (attribution) with persistent identifiers, or about adequate long-term curation of raw data and derived products. The aim of this symposium is to present and discuss new opportunities, but also challenges of these developments. We want to learn from each other how to support and implement the UNESCO recommendation for open science, the WMO Unified Data Policy, and the IOC/IODE recommendations in the framework of the UN Ocean Decade. For example, issuing and managing persistent identifiers throughout the data lifecycle, building FAIR and CAREful 'open' services, enforcing proper citation, are approaches that help achieving the vision of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility and Ethics) data that support quality action and research in the open science environment.

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JH05 Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Innovative Monitoring for Advancing Geo-Sciences (IAHS, IASPEI, IAGA, IACS, IAMAS)

Convener(s): Fernando Nardi (Italy, IAHS)

Co-Convener(s): Ryan Crumley (USA, IACS), Manoj Nair (USA, IAGA), Thomas Spengler (Norway, IAMAS), Rémy Bossu (France, IASPEI)

Citizen involvement in science has been transformed in the last decade by new and widely accessible data acquisition and processing tools as well as by pervasive low-cost and portable technology. Geospatial technologies and affordable equipment (smart phones, cameras, drones, etc.) allow students, researchers, and citizens to gather, analyze, visualize, and share a wealth of earth system data at different spatial and temporal scales. New opportunities are, thus, arising for addressing the uncertainties and inaccuracies of geophysical models and risk management within different fields, for a better understanding, monitoring, and forecasting of geophysical extremes. Citizen science is supporting a new paradigm for geosciences, where active citizens and crowdsourcing of data have a pivotal role for risk mitigation, communication, and awareness. This transition requires multi-disciplinary and trans-sectoral knowledge, analytical approaches, and data processing methods, spanning from earth-, geo-, hydro-, cryo- sciences to humanities as well as social and communication sciences, to synergistically define the guidelines and procedures that support effective use of human-sensed data. A key challenge in using citizen-science data is the significant noise content in the data collected by untrained users. Recent advances in Machine-Learning (ML) could allow us to build noise-filtering algorithms that can take advantage of high volumes of data created by citizen-science projects.  In this framework, the use of unintended technology along with do-it-yourself and low cost equipment is opening novel observational avenues. This joint symposium seeks contributions on data, tools, methods, and procedures that explore the role, value, and performances of citizen science and innovative sensing for earth science research.

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JH06 Education & Outreach in Geosciences (IAHS, IASPEI, IAGA, IAG, IAVCEI, IACS, IAMAS, IAPSO)

Convener(s): Christophe Cudennec (France, IAHS)

Co-Convener(s): Fabien Maussion (Austria, IACS), Markku Poutanen (Finland, IAG), Katia Pinheiro (Brasil, IAGA), Tereza Kameníková (Czech Republic, IAGA), Thomas Spengler (Norway, IAMAS), Angela Pomaro (Italy, IAPSO), Raju Sarkar (Bhutan, IASPEI), Natalia Pardo (Colombia, IAVCEI)

Sharing scientific knowledge and methods through education and outreach is of high importance to support the societal transition in terms of sustainability, development, and security. Initial and life-long education, training in operational services, and capacity development within institutions and society are facing many challenges, when dealing with environmental and societal changes, disaster risk reduction, and the evolution of techniques along the data – information – knowledge – decision support chain. This symposium welcomes conceptual developments as well as practical study cases from geoscientists, as well as from didacticians and knowledge brokers. The variety of approaches across disciplines and across the diversity of the geosciences will provide a collective overview on education and outreach activities the basics and variants in our fields. The symposium also encourages sharing of lessons learned from the enhanced digitization induced by the pandemic and from the ongoing digital revolution, showcasing perspectives of the knowledge society and the Open Science paradigm.

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Convener(s): Joanne Williams (UK, IAPSO)

Co-Convener(s): Jean-Paul Boy (France, IAG), Nick Pedatella (USA, IAGA), Christophe Cudennec (France, IAHS), Philip Woodworth (UK, IAPSO), Evgeny Podolskiy (Japan, IASPEI)

The session will be open to submissions on any aspect of the tides of the ocean, estuaries, lakes, solid earth, and atmosphere. Tides are fundamental to many geophysical processes, driving ocean mixing, contributing to coastal erosion and sediment transport, and influencing ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystems. Tides affect port operations and coastal infrastructure and modulate the severity of storm surges and coastal flooding. Energy from ocean tides is harnessed for electricity generation. In the cryosphere, tides are also important, including for sea ice dynamics, transport and mixing processes. Icy worlds are not only affected by tides but also modulate them. For example, sea ice dampens tidal amplitudes and currents. At the same time, tides regulate the growth of sea ice, contribute to melting of glacial/sea ice, and can be a pacemaker of glacier flow, deformation, and fracture. Interannual variability in the tides may arise from variations in sea ice extent, changes in ocean stratification or regional climate processes. Tides also play an important role throughout Earth's atmosphere, as well as in other planetary atmospheres. Coastal, regional and global models of tides and internal tides continue to develop, as do techniques for observing tides and reconstructing historical tidal data. We welcome presentations on these methods, and discoveries about past and future long-term changes in tides, tidal variability, tidal dynamics, and the impacts of tides.

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JP06 Electromagnetic Studies of the Ice and Ocean System (IAPSO, IACS, IAGA)

Convener(s): Jan Saynisch-Wagner (Germany, IAPSO)

Co-Convener(s): Kenichi Matsuoka (Norway, IACS), Ingo Wardinski (France, IAGA), Neesha R. Schnepf (USA, IAGA), Graham Hill (Czech Republic, IAGA), Christopher Irrgang (Germany, IAPSO)

Electromagnetic signals are sensitive to a wide range of oceanographic and cryospheric system properties, e.g., salinity, temperature, aggregate state, velocity or transport. Electromagnetic observations come from a range of sources: stationary magnetometer observatories providing long time series of data; tracks from ships, gliders, buoys, or planes; measurement expeditions; ocean bottom magnetometers; and observations from passive deep sea telecommunication cables. The session invites studies that utilize the available data to infer information about the state of, or changes in, the ocean-cryosphere system. In addition, we invite numerical or theoretical studies that focus on the respective sensitivities.

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JS03 Probing the Earth’s Lithosphere: Understanding Tectonic, Volcanic, Cryotonic and Geodynamic Processes Using Geophysical Methods (IASPEI, IAG, IAGA)

Convener(s): Uli Achauer (France, IASPEI)

Co-Convener(s): Holger Steffen (Sweden, IAG), Foteini Vervelidou (France, IAGA)

The emergence of many new high-resolution datasets in almost all different disciplines of geosciences over the last two decades further emphasized that most geoscientific objects are so complex, that only interdisciplinary efforts and combination of datasets provide a pathway to decipher their complex structures and variability with time.
Cratonic domaines, hotspot track systems, rifted continental margins, subduction zones, continental baby plumes, intraplate seismicity, coastal subsidence, and impact cratering are just few examples of such processes pertaining in particular to Earth's lithosphere. In this symposium we welcome studies which shed new light on the evolution and geodynamic development of complex geological processes and structures of Earth's lithosphere using geophysical methods. Terrestrial and space-borne studies making combined use of data from different fields in earth sciences, e.g., potential fields like magnetic field and gravity, tectonics, geochemistry, and structural geology, as well as studies including geodynamic modelling are especially welcome. We further invite presentation on multidisciplinary national and international research infrastructures for integrated use of data and their products.

Solicited speakers:
Magdala Tesauro (University of Trieste, Italy) will present her work on the collisional phase of young orogens using numerical simulations and observations in the Zagros Collisional Zone.
Hanjin Choe (Pusan National University, South Korea) will present his work on the effects of hydrothermal circulation at subduction zones on the magnetization of oceanic crust using geodynamic modeling.

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JS04 Monitoring, Imaging and Mapping of Volcanic Areas (IASPEI, IAG, IAVCEI, IAGA)

Convener(s): Thomas Walter (Germany, IASPEI)

Co-Convener(s): Ronni Grapenthin (USA. IAG), Takeshi Hashimoto (Japan, IAGA), Federico Lucchi (Italy, IAVCEI)

Over 1500 volcanoes are considered active, and are in reach of an estimated 10% of the global population. Volcanoes are curse and blessing for the population, as they are a source of significant hazards difficult to predict, and provide fertile soil and exploitable resources. Thanks to field-constrained eruptive histories of active centers and improved instrumental monitoring on the ground, complemented by high resolution remote sensing and complex modelling, the involved time scales, dimensions of volcanic processes and diversity in eruptive style are much better understood. All this allows identifying the internal structure and unrest, intrusion of magma in reservoirs and dikes, hydrothermal activity and degassing at the surface, and material transport processes to distance. Despite these advances, significant volcano eruptions and location is unpredictable, and the duration, rates, or scale remain largely speculative, as vividly demonstrated for the recent eruptions at Nyiragongo (DR Congo), at Hunga Tonga (SW Pacific), Fagradallsfjall (Iceland), or at La Palma (Canary Islands), and elsewhere. The aim of this joint symposium is to bring together scientists elaborating volcanic areas using monitoring, imaging and modelling techniques, to better understand the past, present, and future of volcanoes, and to access the hazards and benefits of volcanic areas. In particular, we invite contributions using broad techniques from geophysical imaging, seismology, geodesy, as well as from active and passive remote sensing, geochemistry, gas analysis and petrology, in order to exchange on how volcanoes prepare for eruptions, undergo unrest, hydrothermally exhalate during periods of quiescence, and evolve in the short and long term. Moreover, interaction of volcanoes and their surrounding will be discussed in this symposium, trying to better understand and exchange on the role of the tectonics, glaciers, earthquakes, ocean, and climate.

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JS06 Joint Inversion of Different Geophysical Data Sets (IASPEI, IAGA, IAG, IAVCEI)

Convener(s): Christel Tiberi (France, IASPEI)

Co-Convener(s): Mareen Lösing, (Germany, IAG), Max Moorkamp (Germany, IASPEI/IAGA), Alexander Grayver (Switzerland, IAGA), Luca D'Auria (Spain, IAVCEI)

The Earth is composed of various materials with different physical properties. Therefore understanding its structure and dynamics requires a combination of multiple observations and complementary tools. For decades now, the joint use of different geophysical and geological datasets in inversion or modelling has become a popular way of investigating Earth structure and dynamics at many different scales. In this symposium, we will address all aspects of research that utilize the combination of multiple datasets in multiple parameter inversion or modelling. This includes methodological concepts to improve the performance of integrative imaging, innovative applications and case studies of these techniques, theoretical developments and multi-scale approaches. We welcome contributions from all disciplines that use data integration for a better quantitative understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Earth, from the subsurface down to its core.

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JS07 Geophysical Constraints on the Earth’s Deep Interior Combining Modelling and Observations (IASPEI, IAGA, IAG, SEDI)

Convener(s): Jérémy Rekier (Belgia, IASPEI)

Co-Convener(s): Carla Braintenberg (Italy, IAG), David Cebron (France, IAHS)

This symposium aims to bring together contributions from different fields aiming to elucidate the physics of the deep Earth, in particular the Core-Mantle interactions. Recent satellite missions GRACE, GOCE and SWARM have provided invaluable data that can be used to constrain the planet’s deep interior dynamics and physical state. Combined with geodetic and seismic observations, these can be used to constrain the existence of density stratification in the outer core which would affect models of geodynamo, and long-term thermal evolution. With the addition of magnetic observations, magnetohydrodynamics models can be employed to constrain the electric conductivity near the CMB and its direct effect on the Earth’s nutation and length of Day. We also welcome contributions concerning the inner core composition and dynamical interactions with the outer core and mantle.

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Convener(s): Roberto Sulpizio (Italy, IAVCEI)

Co-Convener(s): Ronan Le Bras (Austria, IASPEI)

The cataclysmic January 15 eruption of Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai presents a rare opportunity for researchers to explore new problems in volcanology, petrology and geochemistry, seismology, tsunamigenesis, infrasonics, and atmospheric science.

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JV06 Geophysics of Solar System Planets (IAVCEI, IASPEI, IAG, IAGA)

Convener(s): Alessandro Bonforte (Italy, IAVCEI)

Co-Convener(s): Kumiko Hori (Japan, IAGA), Philippe Lognonné (France, IASPEI)

Observations of the distribution, form, and composition of planetary bodies, where subduction, erosion, and vegetation does not obscure surface features. In this session we invite all contributions relating to planetary geology and geophysics, encompassing remote sensing, geomorphology, in-situ or orbital geophysics, sample-based, experimental and numerical modelling, and Earth-analogue studies that utilize planetary data to provide a deeper understanding of this fundamental planetary process.

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JV07 The Architecture of the Lithosphere in Volcanic Regions (IAVCEI, IASPEI, IAGA, ILP)

Convener(s): Luca Caricchi (Switzerland, IAVCEI)

Co-Convener(s): Christine Thomas (Germany, IASPEI), Gabi Laske (USA, IASPEI)

The chemical and physical properties of the Earth's lithosphere controls geodynamic processes, the distribution of seismicity and the accumulation and migration of magma to the surface. We welcome research contributions on observations and modeling of lithosphere architecture in volcanic regions as well as the determination of relationships with seismicity, magma chemistry and its transfer to the surface.

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