- All attendees of the IUGG General Assembly are treated with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
- IUGG creates an environment at General Assemblies to allow for the professional exchange of information.
- Be considerate, respectful and collaborative. Communicate openly with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.
- Avoid personal attacks directed toward other attendees, the local organizers or guests. Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants.
- Alert the local organizers if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
- Discrimination, harassment or intimidation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The local organizers may take any action necessary and deemed appropriate (see below) if attendees engage in unacceptable behavior including removal from the General Assembly without warning or refund.
- Recording or taking photography of another individual’s presentation without the explicit permission of the local organizers is not allowed.
- Disruption of talks at oral or poster sessions, Opening, Closing and Award ceremonies and receptions, in the exhibit hall or at other events organized at the General Assembly in the CityCube Berlin or in other venues.
- If you are the subject to unacceptable behavior or may have witnessed such behavior that violates professional and respectful participant conduct, please immediately notify the chairperson of the session if the incident has occurred during the meeting or local organizers.
- Notification can be done by contacting a local organizer on-site (e.g. at the registration desk) or you can e-mail your concern to info@iugg2023berlin.org
- All reports will remain confidential.
- If a clear case of verbal discrimination, harassment or intimidation during a scientific session is established to have occurred, the Chairperson should act immediately to stop it. If the situation deteriorates, the Chairperson should ask the offender to leave the room.
- If any form of harassment occurs in a less openly visible way (e.g. during social activities or informal gatherings), the affected person and/or witness(es) should immediately report it to one of the organizers. The affected person has the option to pursue a formal procedure.
- In cases described above, the organizer should prepare written notes of the incident, attaching any evidence and identifying any witnesses. The organizer should then give the alleged offender the opportunity to be heard and to respond to the allegation.
- A full report of the incident should then be sent to the IUGG Executive Secretary, who will promptly report to the IUGG Officers any case of harassment that occurred during an IUGG General Assembly.
- The IUGG Officers will appoint an investigation board (typically composed of IUGG Executive Committee Members), which will evaluate the allegation and eventually conduct hearings with the parties involved. At the conclusion of the investigation the IUGG Executive Committee may decide to take disciplinary actions with respect to the person involved. Retaliation of any form is strictly prohibited.
- Harassment incidents or behavior that occur outside IUGG activities referred to above will be considered only when a formal investigation of the case has been conducted by the relevant authority (e.g. the institution, to which the individual is affiliated) and made known to the IUGG Executive Committee. In those cases that involve an IUGG or Association officer, the Executive Committee may decide to take disciplinary actions against that person.
IUGG 2023 Secretariat: C-IN, 5. kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, CZE | tel.: +420 296 219 600
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